During these rough times of social and political unease, the world seems to have lost a bit of its sense of humor. Artist Jeff McMillan seeks to redress that deficiency through his “creation with sense of humor representation” on display in his upcoming show “Winner Takes All” at The Hive Gallery Two Year Anniversary Show in April in a series of up to 16 paintings depicting a horse race death match.
Nathan Cartwright: Why a horse race death match for your long awaited Hive Gallery show?
Jeff McMillan: Well, I have always been interested in horse racing. I like the tracks, the jockeys’ uniforms, colors and designs and the horses. Horses are such powerful, heroic animals controlled by these goofy little men on top. I also have a fascination with comic book, tall tale & folklore imagery that’s mixed with violence. So that’s how this whole thing started.
Nathan Cartwright: Do you have a clear narrative picture of what you want to portray before you start painting?
Jeff McMillan: Yes, I did have a story and images lined up for this series. Initially, I started with rough sketch of stories and situations. I wanted a jockey to be in first place on fire and a mess of people behind him fighting, bodies flying and dust clouds. All of the jockeys have names and backgrounds. The blue jockey “Mahteehc Naes” is from another planet named Pouferic. He’s known for being a deadly prick. A tough contender, indeed. In the end, the series was a lot of fun to do, but my paintings never turn out the way I want them to. They’re always unfinished to me. I guess that’s the real trick.
Nathan Cartwright: Almost all of your work is comedic in nature. Has your work always been so funny?
Jeff McMillan: I’ve always been a fan of satire comedy. I remember growing up listening to Steve Martin, Bill Cosby, and Robin Williams records. Their comedy wasn’t necessarily dirty all the time. It was clever in that they found ways to deliver the punch line in very subtle ways. I like comedy that makes you think about the joke, then laugh. I have always tried to throw little bits of satire into my work.
Nathan Cartwright: Much of your imagery has been ingrained in our psyche- Yeti’s, yodelers, jockeys, and such. Do you consider yourself a pop artist?
Jeff McMillan: I don’t like to corner myself into a category, mainly because I don’t stick to one style. My subject matter changes rapidly and my ideas fluctuate. I am an illustrator more than anything.
Nathan Cartwright: Finally, how does it feel to be the featured artist at The Hive Gallery’s Two Year Anniversary show?
Jeff McMillan: I’m glad to be here. It’s been a while since we booked it, but it’s just around the corner now.
Jeff’s work can be seen at The Hive Gallery opening April 7th-29th.