Over the past few years the Coachella topic has been hashed and re-hashed popping up throughout the internet; some with positive spins, but many with vicious insults. The resulting unconstructive criticisms do nothing more than smear the longstanding Coachella & Goldenvoice brands.
These lackluster “reviews” also unfairly target Coachella attendees, clearly demonstrating the lack of respect particular authors have for people in general. We can only assume that these crap-peddling so-called journalists are either completely out of touch, just looking for attention, or fulfilling a bullshit corporate directive. One piece from The Daily Beast was so utterly revolting that I cannot but question the author’s professionalism and his supposed Columbia University degree.
Of the multitude of bashing topics, there seems to be a consensus that at some point we’re too old for Coachella. Dipping into science, it is a fact that age is not determined by years. At any moment during our lifetime the human body can be damaged, resulting in premature aging, or healed to encourage cell generation. So being too old for anything is relative to how we maintain ourselves consciously and subconsciously, and a matter of our intentions.
In terms of the attendees, certainly there are those who return, year after year, regardless of which artists are performing. For them, Coachella has become an integral part of their lives; helping to keep them connected to a global family and feeling youthful. These “diehards” could care less about the passing trends like the American Indian headdresses or the neon hats & glasses. These lifers are the glue that holds the spirit of Coachella together, and being too old is a non-issue for them.
Down the line we have the trend-hounds who at times, unfortunately, lack originality, but are none-the-less an important part of the scene. These festival attendees receive the brunt of the attacks, as they are impossibly annoying to some writers who state that, due to them, the spirit of Coachella has vanished. For better or for worse the “hipster” transcends space & time, and may never outgrow their perplexing behaviors. They may also end-up becoming fashion designers who produce the trends that the children of these writers will be wearing. Furthermore, there will be other shitty writers who will be commenting on their hipster children.
Then we have the innocent tag-alongs who will be either mystified or horrified at the sheer magnitude of the event. These people would probably have never risked a Coachella trip on their own, but under the wing of another, they have an opportunity to experience something amazing. The notion of “growing too old” may hold more weight in the minds of these tentative risk-takers, and we will probably lose a portion of them down the line; however, they’ll be replaced by others as mystery and excitement is attractive to people regardless of years on this planet, and Coachella still has plenty of that.
Lastly, there’s the group who come to Coachella for a specific artist and simply enjoy going to concerts. We know that many styles of music attract people of all ages; the perpetual young at heart. These attendees may only come to Coachella once or twice in their lifetime, but their hesitation is not due to Coachella’s “hipster” labeling, nor because it’s too hot in Indio, nor because they’re “too old”; these people simply are not interested in the bands that are playing. But given the right band, they’d come back.
So, in terms of “too old” for Coachella, this might be applicable towards those who are physically incapacitated, or terminally ill, where just walking the Indio Polo fields is unrealistic, or dangerous to the point of death. Even then, Goldenvoice would probably allocate a golf cart to this person for one last hurrah. Hmm… I wonder if these writers would also be uncomfortable if it were a hipster in a wheelchair.
In closing, we can deduce that those who flippantly disregard Coachella as an event for “crazy kids” –not unlike the aforementioned Columbia University author– have pretty much decreed to their subconscious that they are not only “too old” for Coachella, but spiritually toxic. This sets in motion their slippery slope leading to a crotchety existence devoid of empathy. Years down the line these overly-judgmental writers will inevitably refuse to give the neighborhood kids their ball back once it lands in their yard.
That said, yes, these writers are also welcomed at Coachella… just pay your ticket, keep your opinions to yourself and please stay in your tent.
For the rest of you ”crazy kids”, party on.